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Asia PacificDowner Issue May Delay Resumption Of U.S. Beef ImportsJapan's re...

Published: Feb 10, 2006

Asia Pacific
Downer Issue May Delay Resumption Of U.S. Beef Imports
Japan's resumption of beef imports from the United States may be delayed in the wake of a finding that cattle unable to walk were slaughtered for human consumption at a few meatpacking plants in the United States, a senior agricultural ministry official said Thursday.

China Joins Ban Of Pork From Three Countries Due To Dioxin Scare
China has joined Taiwan and South Korea in suspending pork imports from Belgium and the Netherlands as the two countries attempt to minimize the damage to their meat industries due to the presence of dioxin contaminated feed.

South Korea To Foster Premium Meat Brands To Vie With Imports
The South Korean government said Friday that it plans to designate 80 beef and pork brands as premium products to help local livestock growers compete with cheaper imports.

Dozens Of BSE Cases Suspected In Japan
Media reports out of Tokyo warn that Japan may now be dealing with more than forty new cases of bovine spongiform encephalopathy. According to Japanese wire reports, a farm in Hokkaido is suspected of having 45 cows that are positive for the brain-wasting disease.

BSE Cow Was Fed Banned Bone Meal
A cow that died last month as Japan`s 22nd confirmed case of mad cow disease had been fed meat-and-bone meal, a Japanese official has said.

Japan Ban On U.S. Beef Helps Australia
A re-imposed ban by Japan on beef imports from the U.S. will undermine confidence in the U.S. industry and provide more opportunity for Australian exporters to cement market share, a leading Australian beef producer said Wednesday.

Argentine Foot And Mouth Panic Hits Exports
An outbreak of foot and mouth disease in Argentina has spread panic across the region and will put an end to the rapid growth of the country's beef export sector, the third largest in the world.

Brazil Suspends Imports of Beef From Argentina
Brazil has suspended imports of fresh beef from Argentina because of an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease there, the Agriculture Ministry said Thursday. Only processed, boneless beef now is allowed into Brazil from Argentina, the ministry said on its Web site.

Disease Threatens Quebec (Canada) Pork
Quebec's pork producers are asking for help after a disease killed more than 200,000 pigs in the province last year.

United States
Pork Ethics Program Packs Quality
The Quality Counts food safety and ethics program in Texas was recently chosen by the National Pork Board as meeting the standards for its youth quality assurance training. The program is the first in the nation to be chosen for that designation, said Dr. Jodi Sterle, Texas Cooperative Extension swine specialist.

Tinker With Pork Grow/Finish Nutrition To Boost Prices
Tinkering with your grow/finish nutrition program could result in better market prices. Joel DeRouchey, Extension livestock specialist at Kansas State University, told producers here at the recent Iowa Pork Congress several financial factors should influence nutrition decisions.

Kroger Turns To Local Products To Stock ‘Unique’ Store
Kroger plans to take the neighborhood-store concept a step further when it opens the doors to its new location near downtown Columbus. The company’s Brewer’s Yard store will sell products made in its own backyard.

Asia Pacific
Downer Issue May Delay Resumption Of U.S. Beef Imports
Japan's resumption of beef imports from the United States may be delayed in the wake of a finding that cattle unable to walk were slaughtered for human consumption at a few meatpacking plants in the United States, a senior agricultural ministry official said Thursday.

China Joins Ban Of Pork From Three Countries Due To Dioxin Scare
China has joined Taiwan and South Korea in suspending pork imports from Belgium and the Netherlands as the two countries attempt to minimize the damage to their meat industries due to the presence of dioxin contaminated feed.

South Korea To Foster Premium Meat Brands To Vie With Imports
The South Korean government said Friday that it plans to designate 80 beef and pork brands as premium products to help local livestock growers compete with cheaper imports.

Dozens Of BSE Cases Suspected In Japan
Media reports out of Tokyo warn that Japan may now be dealing with more than forty new cases of bovine spongiform encephalopathy. According to Japanese wire reports, a farm in Hokkaido is suspected of having 45 cows that are positive for the brain-wasting disease.

BSE Cow Was Fed Banned Bone Meal
A cow that died last month as Japan`s 22nd confirmed case of mad cow disease had been fed meat-and-bone meal, a Japanese official has said.

Japan Ban On U.S. Beef Helps Australia
A re-imposed ban by Japan on beef imports from the U.S. will undermine confidence in the U.S. industry and provide more opportunity for Australian exporters to cement market share, a leading Australian beef producer said Wednesday.

Argentine Foot And Mouth Panic Hits Exports
An outbreak of foot and mouth disease in Argentina has spread panic across the region and will put an end to the rapid growth of the country's beef export sector, the third largest in the world.

Brazil Suspends Imports of Beef From Argentina
Brazil has suspended imports of fresh beef from Argentina because of an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease there, the Agriculture Ministry said Thursday. Only processed, boneless beef now is allowed into Brazil from Argentina, the ministry said on its Web site.

Disease Threatens Quebec (Canada) Pork
Quebec's pork producers are asking for help after a disease killed more than 200,000 pigs in the province last year.

United States
Pork Ethics Program Packs Quality
The Quality Counts food safety and ethics program in Texas was recently chosen by the National Pork Board as meeting the standards for its youth quality assurance training. The program is the first in the nation to be chosen for that designation, said Dr. Jodi Sterle, Texas Cooperative Extension swine specialist.

Tinker With Pork Grow/Finish Nutrition To Boost Prices
Tinkering with your grow/finish nutrition program could result in better market prices. Joel DeRouchey, Extension livestock specialist at Kansas State University, told producers here at the recent Iowa Pork Congress several financial factors should influence nutrition decisions.

Kroger Turns To Local Products To Stock ‘Unique’ Store
Kroger plans to take the neighborhood-store concept a step further when it opens the doors to its new location near downtown Columbus. The company’s Brewer’s Yard store will sell products made in its own backyard.