Asia Pacific | S.Korea seeks U.S. beef assurances after mad cow caseSEOUL, J...
Asia Pacific
S.Korea seeks U.S. beef assurances after mad cow case
SEOUL, Jan 27 (Reuters) - South Korea will maintain the ban it imposed on imports of U.S. beef after last month's discovery of a mad cow-infected animal until the safety of American beef is scientifically guaranteed, the farm ministry said on Tuesday.
BSE: Trade Talks Continue
U.S. moves on to Korea after talks with Japan over beef exports.
Exports to China top those to U.S.
Japan's exports to mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan surpassed those to the United States for the first time in 2003, the government said Monday.
U.S. places bans on cattle feed
The federal government imposed new restrictions Monday on cattle feed to prevent the spread of mad cow disease, including a ban on the use of cow's blood as a feed supplement.
U.S. says probing cattle trades related to mad cow
WASHINGTON, Jan 27 (Reuters) - Government investigators are looking at cattle futures trading patterns during December to determine whether any unusual activity occurred related to the announcement of a case of mad cow disease on Dec. 23, an official said on Tuesday.
USA: Beef ad campaign launched after BSE delay
After a two-week delay caused by the BSE outbreak in the USA, an American beef lobby group yesterday (26 January) finally launched a national advertising campaign.
DeHaven: BSE investigation winding down
Ron DeHaven, the Agriculture Department's chief veterinarian says poor record keeping has hampered the agency's efforts to locate the herdmates of the singleHolstein cow found infected with BSE on Dec. 23.
Pork Plant Planned
U.S. pork processor breaks ground for a new production facility.
Technical Briefing and Webcast with U.S. Government Officials On BSE Case Monday, January 26, 2004
Asia Pacific
S.Korea seeks U.S. beef assurances after mad cow case
SEOUL, Jan 27 (Reuters) - South Korea will maintain the ban it imposed on imports of U.S. beef after last month's discovery of a mad cow-infected animal until the safety of American beef is scientifically guaranteed, the farm ministry said on Tuesday.
BSE: Trade Talks Continue
U.S. moves on to Korea after talks with Japan over beef exports.
Exports to China top those to U.S.
Japan's exports to mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan surpassed those to the United States for the first time in 2003, the government said Monday.
U.S. places bans on cattle feed
The federal government imposed new restrictions Monday on cattle feed to prevent the spread of mad cow disease, including a ban on the use of cow's blood as a feed supplement.
U.S. says probing cattle trades related to mad cow
WASHINGTON, Jan 27 (Reuters) - Government investigators are looking at cattle futures trading patterns during December to determine whether any unusual activity occurred related to the announcement of a case of mad cow disease on Dec. 23, an official said on Tuesday.
USA: Beef ad campaign launched after BSE delay
After a two-week delay caused by the BSE outbreak in the USA, an American beef lobby group yesterday (26 January) finally launched a national advertising campaign.
DeHaven: BSE investigation winding down
Ron DeHaven, the Agriculture Department's chief veterinarian says poor record keeping has hampered the agency's efforts to locate the herdmates of the singleHolstein cow found infected with BSE on Dec. 23.
Pork Plant Planned
U.S. pork processor breaks ground for a new production facility.
Technical Briefing and Webcast with U.S. Government Officials On BSE Case Monday, January 26, 2004