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AsiaPacific | BSE Brakes AppliedJapanquarantines cattle that were linked to i...

Published: Oct 09, 2003


BSE Brakes Applied
Japanquarantines cattle that were linked to its eighth case of bovine spongiform encephalopathy.

Mad Cow Case May be False Alarm
Latest case of BSE-infected animal in Japan is creating a stir because only its initial test was positive.

Cattle council wants to 'beef up' advertising
The Australian beef industry is worried that not enough money is being found for advertising.


Indiana farmers pledge to oppose Cuba embargo
The Indiana Farm Bureau signed a commitment to work for the repeal of trade and travel sanctions against Communist-run Cubaon Wednesday in return for a Cuban pledge to buy $15 million in agricultural products.

Canada sees world trade talks stalled next year
Substantial talks to liberalize farm trade will be held up by next year's U.S. presidential election and expansion of the Europe an Union, Canada's ambassador to the World Trade Organization said on Wednesday.

Canada's Vanclief Working to Full Reopen Borders to Beef/Cattle Trade
Canadian Ag and Agri-Food Minister Lyle Vanclief today said countries around the world are showing their confidence in the safety and quality of Canadian beef, as international borders continue to re-open and exports of Canadian beef products increase steadily.

Saskatchewan farm confirmed as birth site of BSE cow
The Canadian Food Inspection has confirmed that the single cow diagnosed with bovine spongiform encephalopathy on May 20 was born on a Saskatchewanfarm


Russia Urges EU to Sign Agreement on Meat Quotas
Russia has urged the European Union to conclude an agreement on quotas for meat supplies from the EU


US cattle prices to ease by end of 2003-analyst
U.S.cattle prices, which have skyrocketed to unprecedented levels, should ease to around $80 per hundredweight by the end of the year, a government livestock analyst said on Wednesday.

USA: Justice Department allows sale of Farmland Foods
The US Department of Justice is to allow the sale of bankrupt Farmland Industries’ pork business, Farmland Foods, despite competition concerns from some parts of the industry.

Cow Prices Jumps Over the Moon
Beef cattle producers are experiencing record prices for their animals.

Recent sale to Cuba raises Iowans' hopes about trade
The recent sale of $8 million in corn and soybeans to Cuba is an example of the potential to increase trade between the island nation and Iowa.


BSE Brakes Applied
Japanquarantines cattle that were linked to its eighth case of bovine spongiform encephalopathy.

Mad Cow Case May be False Alarm
Latest case of BSE-infected animal in Japan is creating a stir because only its initial test was positive.

Cattle council wants to 'beef up' advertising
The Australian beef industry is worried that not enough money is being found for advertising.


Indiana farmers pledge to oppose Cuba embargo
The Indiana Farm Bureau signed a commitment to work for the repeal of trade and travel sanctions against Communist-run Cubaon Wednesday in return for a Cuban pledge to buy $15 million in agricultural products.

Canada sees world trade talks stalled next year
Substantial talks to liberalize farm trade will be held up by next year's U.S. presidential election and expansion of the Europe an Union, Canada's ambassador to the World Trade Organization said on Wednesday.

Canada's Vanclief Working to Full Reopen Borders to Beef/Cattle Trade
Canadian Ag and Agri-Food Minister Lyle Vanclief today said countries around the world are showing their confidence in the safety and quality of Canadian beef, as international borders continue to re-open and exports of Canadian beef products increase steadily.

Saskatchewan farm confirmed as birth site of BSE cow
The Canadian Food Inspection has confirmed that the single cow diagnosed with bovine spongiform encephalopathy on May 20 was born on a Saskatchewanfarm


Russia Urges EU to Sign Agreement on Meat Quotas
Russia has urged the European Union to conclude an agreement on quotas for meat supplies from the EU


US cattle prices to ease by end of 2003-analyst
U.S.cattle prices, which have skyrocketed to unprecedented levels, should ease to around $80 per hundredweight by the end of the year, a government livestock analyst said on Wednesday.

USA: Justice Department allows sale of Farmland Foods
The US Department of Justice is to allow the sale of bankrupt Farmland Industries’ pork business, Farmland Foods, despite competition concerns from some parts of the industry.

Cow Prices Jumps Over the Moon
Beef cattle producers are experiencing record prices for their animals.

Recent sale to Cuba raises Iowans' hopes about trade
The recent sale of $8 million in corn and soybeans to Cuba is an example of the potential to increase trade between the island nation and Iowa.