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Asia PacificUSDA dispatching a technical team to Japan | Agriculture Secretar...

Published: Mar 24, 2006

Asia Pacific

USDA dispatching a technical team to Japan
Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns announced that a USDA technical team is scheduled meet with Japanese government officials on March 28 and 29 to answer questions about a tainted U.S. veal shipment Japanese inspectors intercepted in January and to press for the reopening of the Japanese market to U.S. beef.

Japan beef ban about safety
Japan's ban on U.S. beef imports is not a protectionist measure to help domestic meat producers, but is aimed at ensuring the country's food safety, a top official said Friday.

Japan says U.S. suit won't change beef trade rules
Japanese Agriculture Minister Shoichi Nakagawa said on Friday beef trade rules between Japan and the United States won't be affected by a lawsuit filed by a U.S. firm against the U.S. government over mad cow testing.

Hundreds of pigs die in Mizoram due to fever
Hundreds of pigs have died in this city and surrounding in the past few days due to a swine fever, severely affecting the sale of pork.


World beef supply warning
National Beef Association warns that world beef supplies can no longer be taken for granted.

Ireland showcases specialty meat
Bord Bia launches an international specialty food forum to attract top buyers.


A.M.I. addresses proposal to ban CO use in meat packaging
A proposed city ordinance that would ban a form of meat packaging within the Chicago city limits is unscientific, unconstitutional and would eliminate an important choice for consumers, the American Meat Institute will tell the Chicago City Council in testimony today.

U.S. processor sues to conduct BSE test
Creekstone Farms continues its quest to perform its own bovine spongiform encephalopathy tests on all of its cattle.

USDA Livestock Slaughter: Pork sets record; cattle weights way up
Commercial red meat production for the United States totaled 3.48 billion pounds in February, up 2 percent from the 3.42 billion pounds produced in February 2005. 

FAO report says BSE cases declining worldwide
A report released today by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations says that cases of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) are declining worldwide. According to the report, the rate of reported cases has dropped 50 percent each year over the past three years.

Asia Pacific

USDA dispatching a technical team to Japan
Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns announced that a USDA technical team is scheduled meet with Japanese government officials on March 28 and 29 to answer questions about a tainted U.S. veal shipment Japanese inspectors intercepted in January and to press for the reopening of the Japanese market to U.S. beef.

Japan beef ban about safety
Japan's ban on U.S. beef imports is not a protectionist measure to help domestic meat producers, but is aimed at ensuring the country's food safety, a top official said Friday.

Japan says U.S. suit won't change beef trade rules
Japanese Agriculture Minister Shoichi Nakagawa said on Friday beef trade rules between Japan and the United States won't be affected by a lawsuit filed by a U.S. firm against the U.S. government over mad cow testing.

Hundreds of pigs die in Mizoram due to fever
Hundreds of pigs have died in this city and surrounding in the past few days due to a swine fever, severely affecting the sale of pork.


World beef supply warning
National Beef Association warns that world beef supplies can no longer be taken for granted.

Ireland showcases specialty meat
Bord Bia launches an international specialty food forum to attract top buyers.


A.M.I. addresses proposal to ban CO use in meat packaging
A proposed city ordinance that would ban a form of meat packaging within the Chicago city limits is unscientific, unconstitutional and would eliminate an important choice for consumers, the American Meat Institute will tell the Chicago City Council in testimony today.

U.S. processor sues to conduct BSE test
Creekstone Farms continues its quest to perform its own bovine spongiform encephalopathy tests on all of its cattle.

USDA Livestock Slaughter: Pork sets record; cattle weights way up
Commercial red meat production for the United States totaled 3.48 billion pounds in February, up 2 percent from the 3.42 billion pounds produced in February 2005. 

FAO report says BSE cases declining worldwide
A report released today by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations says that cases of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) are declining worldwide. According to the report, the rate of reported cases has dropped 50 percent each year over the past three years.