Asia PacificNew Zealand invents new beef tracking Scientists of New Zealand a...
Asia Pacific
New Zealand invents new beef tracking
Scientists of New Zealand announced Monday they have developed a technique that allows them to trace individual meat patties back to the batches they originated from.
Japanese study says U.S. testing protocols would have missed native BSE cases
A report from the Japanese Ministry of Agriculture concluded that had Japan used the same testing protocols as the United States, it would have missed nine of 20 reported cases of bovine spongiform encephalopathy, according to a report by The Associated Press.
Australia cashing in on beef exports
Beef export figures are breaking records, as Australia capitalises on a lack of international competition from US beef.
Canada ready to ship cattle, but court date looms
Canada is steeling itself for the possibility a Montana court could ban its cattle exports again in a July 27 hearing after a positive ruling from a different court this week, Canada's agriculture minister said Friday.
Increased slaughter capacity expected to boost efforts to improve Canada-U.S. relations
Manitoba Pork Council says word that Maple Leaf Foods will build a new 110 million dollar state of the art hog slaughtering plant in Saskatoon will give its efforts to promote trade advocacy with the United States a huge boost.
The Canadian beef scare
On Thursday, the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, siding with the federal government, ruled in favor of reopening U.S. markets to Canadian cattle.
Canadian farmers, American processors exult over border decision
The U.S./Canadian border might reopen early this week to exports of live Canadian cattle under 30 months of age, and both Canadian and U.S. officials said they will take all steps necessary to resume the flow of live cattle.
Firm future for UK pigmeat values
Long term forecasts of stable EU wide pigmeat prices have helped to keep UK demand at fairly firm levels.
New improved PorkWatch to be launched early autumn
PorkWatch was introduced at the beginning of last year as a bi-monthly survey to discover which retailers were - and which weren't - supporting home pork production, the Quality Standard Mark, and the higher British welfare standard.
U.S., Japan beef flap heats up
The United States pressured Japan to rescind a 19-month-old ban of American beef or face a Congress that has "lost its patience," Kyodo News Service reports.
Cattle group sees its influence grow
Two years ago, R-CALF United Stockgrowers of America was a tiny cattlemen's group, written off in some quarters as fringe and radical, focused on what many in the industry considered a nonissue -- Canadian beef imports.
Soybean industry battles fungus
High winds and heavy rains like those from the remnants of Hurricane Dennis are never welcomed by farmers, but this year — as Dennis wallowed northward into the Ohio Valley — they had something new to worry about. Rust. Asian soybean rust, a destructive fungus .
Asia Pacific
New Zealand invents new beef tracking
Scientists of New Zealand announced Monday they have developed a technique that allows them to trace individual meat patties back to the batches they originated from.
Japanese study says U.S. testing protocols would have missed native BSE cases
A report from the Japanese Ministry of Agriculture concluded that had Japan used the same testing protocols as the United States, it would have missed nine of 20 reported cases of bovine spongiform encephalopathy, according to a report by The Associated Press.
Australia cashing in on beef exports
Beef export figures are breaking records, as Australia capitalises on a lack of international competition from US beef.
Canada ready to ship cattle, but court date looms
Canada is steeling itself for the possibility a Montana court could ban its cattle exports again in a July 27 hearing after a positive ruling from a different court this week, Canada's agriculture minister said Friday.
Increased slaughter capacity expected to boost efforts to improve Canada-U.S. relations
Manitoba Pork Council says word that Maple Leaf Foods will build a new 110 million dollar state of the art hog slaughtering plant in Saskatoon will give its efforts to promote trade advocacy with the United States a huge boost.
The Canadian beef scare
On Thursday, the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, siding with the federal government, ruled in favor of reopening U.S. markets to Canadian cattle.
Canadian farmers, American processors exult over border decision
The U.S./Canadian border might reopen early this week to exports of live Canadian cattle under 30 months of age, and both Canadian and U.S. officials said they will take all steps necessary to resume the flow of live cattle.
Firm future for UK pigmeat values
Long term forecasts of stable EU wide pigmeat prices have helped to keep UK demand at fairly firm levels.
New improved PorkWatch to be launched early autumn
PorkWatch was introduced at the beginning of last year as a bi-monthly survey to discover which retailers were - and which weren't - supporting home pork production, the Quality Standard Mark, and the higher British welfare standard.
U.S., Japan beef flap heats up
The United States pressured Japan to rescind a 19-month-old ban of American beef or face a Congress that has "lost its patience," Kyodo News Service reports.
Cattle group sees its influence grow
Two years ago, R-CALF United Stockgrowers of America was a tiny cattlemen's group, written off in some quarters as fringe and radical, focused on what many in the industry considered a nonissue -- Canadian beef imports.
Soybean industry battles fungus
High winds and heavy rains like those from the remnants of Hurricane Dennis are never welcomed by farmers, but this year — as Dennis wallowed northward into the Ohio Valley — they had something new to worry about. Rust. Asian soybean rust, a destructive fungus .