Asia PacificJapan postpones U.S. beef ban decision, asks for more documentsJa...
Asia Pacific
Japan postpones U.S. beef ban decision, asks for more documents
Japan's food safety authorities have asked American negotiators for more detailed information about beef products the United States hopes to begin exporting to Japan once the ban on American beef is lifted.
China lifts ban on poultry products and approves facilities for key pork products
China has lifted its ban on imports of poultry and poultry products from Canada. Goods produced as of January 18 can now be exported.
Beef to Japan
A key Japanese government official expresses limited optimism about resumption of beef trade between the United States and Japan.
Danish Crown next phase
This week, Danish Crown, one of Europe’s leading pork processors, opened negotiations with the staff at the Hjørring plant in Northern Jutland over the closure of the plant in May.
BSE may be more dangerous than thought: Swiss study
A new study conducted by medical researchers in Switzerland indicates that the list of specified risk materials (SRMs) that makes up the firewall against human infection from bovine spongiform encephalopathy may be far from complete.
Canadian pork considers national plan
Canada's pork producers are being urged to support a national plan that could see hog farms locked down within hours of a contagious animal disease being detected.
Officials still looking for cows from Canadian BSE herd
Government officials in Canada and the United States are tracing six cows shipped into the United States from the same Canadian herd as a cow recently found to be infected with bovine spongiform encephalopathy.
U.S. packer Swift moves into value-added beef
Meatpacker Swift and Co. Inc. aims to put a quarter of its beef output into higher-margin, value-added meat products in the next few years, Chief Executive John Simons said on Friday.
Spinosad gets EPA registration for stored grain
Earlier this month the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a registration for the use of spinosad, a product developed and manufactured by Dow AgroSciences LLC, as a stored grain and seed protectant on commodities including wheat, corn, rice, oats, sorghum/milo and barley.
Swift ready for Japan, Canadian trade
A report from an official with the U.S. Department of Agriculture said that a deal to open the Japanese market to U.S. beef received support from a Greeley company but was met with skepticism from a beef industry observer.
Meat output slides
USDA reports a one percent increase in December beef, pork, and lamb slaughter but a two percent drop for 2004.
Asia Pacific
Japan postpones U.S. beef ban decision, asks for more documents
Japan's food safety authorities have asked American negotiators for more detailed information about beef products the United States hopes to begin exporting to Japan once the ban on American beef is lifted.
China lifts ban on poultry products and approves facilities for key pork products
China has lifted its ban on imports of poultry and poultry products from Canada. Goods produced as of January 18 can now be exported.
Beef to Japan
A key Japanese government official expresses limited optimism about resumption of beef trade between the United States and Japan.
Danish Crown next phase
This week, Danish Crown, one of Europe’s leading pork processors, opened negotiations with the staff at the Hjørring plant in Northern Jutland over the closure of the plant in May.
BSE may be more dangerous than thought: Swiss study
A new study conducted by medical researchers in Switzerland indicates that the list of specified risk materials (SRMs) that makes up the firewall against human infection from bovine spongiform encephalopathy may be far from complete.
Canadian pork considers national plan
Canada's pork producers are being urged to support a national plan that could see hog farms locked down within hours of a contagious animal disease being detected.
Officials still looking for cows from Canadian BSE herd
Government officials in Canada and the United States are tracing six cows shipped into the United States from the same Canadian herd as a cow recently found to be infected with bovine spongiform encephalopathy.
U.S. packer Swift moves into value-added beef
Meatpacker Swift and Co. Inc. aims to put a quarter of its beef output into higher-margin, value-added meat products in the next few years, Chief Executive John Simons said on Friday.
Spinosad gets EPA registration for stored grain
Earlier this month the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a registration for the use of spinosad, a product developed and manufactured by Dow AgroSciences LLC, as a stored grain and seed protectant on commodities including wheat, corn, rice, oats, sorghum/milo and barley.
Swift ready for Japan, Canadian trade
A report from an official with the U.S. Department of Agriculture said that a deal to open the Japanese market to U.S. beef received support from a Greeley company but was met with skepticism from a beef industry observer.
Meat output slides
USDA reports a one percent increase in December beef, pork, and lamb slaughter but a two percent drop for 2004.