Asia PacificJapan has 15th case of mad cow diseaseJapan has confirmed its 15t...
Asia Pacific
Japan has 15th case of mad cow disease
Japan has confirmed its 15th case of mad cow disease in a cow from the country's north, the government said Saturday.
Lamb plan
Australia’s lamb industry can expect more opportunities during the next few years if they follow the advice of Prime Time experts.
Canada sets pork export record in 2004 but falls to third in terms of global exports
Despite setting set a new export record in 2004, Canada's pork industry slipped to third in terms global pork exports behind the United States at second and the European Union.
Livestock producers need to prepare for CAFO compliance dates
Producers need to plan now to meet two key compliance dates for confined livestock operations next year, a University of Nebraska livestock bioenvironmental engineer said.
Johanns softens the blow
Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns told corn and soybean farmers in Austin, Texas Friday that the best way to insure continued prosperity for agriculture is to lower the federal deficit.
USDA releases technical assessment on the implementation of the Canadian feed ban
The USDA released its assessment of the Canadian ruminant-to-ruminant feed ban.
USDA backs Canadian feed management
A USDA team charged with assessing the Canadian feedban said the ban is being effectively implemented, leaving intact the department's plans to reinstate some trade in beef and cattle with Canada on March 7th.
Slaughter drops
USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service reported that commercial red meat production in the United States totaled 3.65 billion pounds in January -- down two percent from the 3.71 billion pounds produced in January 2004.
Asia Pacific
Japan has 15th case of mad cow disease
Japan has confirmed its 15th case of mad cow disease in a cow from the country's north, the government said Saturday.
Lamb plan
Australia’s lamb industry can expect more opportunities during the next few years if they follow the advice of Prime Time experts.
Canada sets pork export record in 2004 but falls to third in terms of global exports
Despite setting set a new export record in 2004, Canada's pork industry slipped to third in terms global pork exports behind the United States at second and the European Union.
Livestock producers need to prepare for CAFO compliance dates
Producers need to plan now to meet two key compliance dates for confined livestock operations next year, a University of Nebraska livestock bioenvironmental engineer said.
Johanns softens the blow
Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns told corn and soybean farmers in Austin, Texas Friday that the best way to insure continued prosperity for agriculture is to lower the federal deficit.
USDA releases technical assessment on the implementation of the Canadian feed ban
The USDA released its assessment of the Canadian ruminant-to-ruminant feed ban.
USDA backs Canadian feed management
A USDA team charged with assessing the Canadian feedban said the ban is being effectively implemented, leaving intact the department's plans to reinstate some trade in beef and cattle with Canada on March 7th.
Slaughter drops
USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service reported that commercial red meat production in the United States totaled 3.65 billion pounds in January -- down two percent from the 3.71 billion pounds produced in January 2004.