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Asia PacificFederal Court backs pork quarantine | The full bench of the Feder...

Published: Sep 16, 2005

Asia Pacific

Federal Court backs pork quarantine
The full bench of the Federal Court has saved the federal government from serious questions about the nation's quarantine system that could have threatened Australia's international trading system.

Pig industry board to unveil production module
The Pig Industry Board (PIB) will soon unveil a study that will culminate in the formulation of a module for commercial pig production to increase earnings in the sector, an official has said.


Brazil major beef expansion plan
Brazil, the juggernaut of the world's beef industry, plans to expand production even more, and push its rapidly expanding exports further into Asian markets, Marcus Vinicius Pratini de Moraes, president of the Brazilian Beef Export Industries Association, said Friday.

U.S. Canada pork collaborate
Swine producers in Canada and the U.S. are looking to expand collaboration on research in areas of common interest.


BSE ban on older cattle dropped
The nine-year ban on the human consumption of beef produced from cattle aged over 30 months is being lifted, the government has announced.


California BSE bill may return
California lawmakers convened a special hearing with a panel of BSE experts recently who discussed the USDA's enhanced BSE surveillance program in light of a proposed state resolution, SJR 16.

U.S. presses Japan on beef ahead of WTO talks
The United States pressed Japan to resume imports of American beef as their trade chiefs met to take stock of the troubled WTO drive to liberalise global commerce, officials said.

Asia Pacific

Federal Court backs pork quarantine
The full bench of the Federal Court has saved the federal government from serious questions about the nation's quarantine system that could have threatened Australia's international trading system.

Pig industry board to unveil production module
The Pig Industry Board (PIB) will soon unveil a study that will culminate in the formulation of a module for commercial pig production to increase earnings in the sector, an official has said.


Brazil major beef expansion plan
Brazil, the juggernaut of the world's beef industry, plans to expand production even more, and push its rapidly expanding exports further into Asian markets, Marcus Vinicius Pratini de Moraes, president of the Brazilian Beef Export Industries Association, said Friday.

U.S. Canada pork collaborate
Swine producers in Canada and the U.S. are looking to expand collaboration on research in areas of common interest.


BSE ban on older cattle dropped
The nine-year ban on the human consumption of beef produced from cattle aged over 30 months is being lifted, the government has announced.


California BSE bill may return
California lawmakers convened a special hearing with a panel of BSE experts recently who discussed the USDA's enhanced BSE surveillance program in light of a proposed state resolution, SJR 16.

U.S. presses Japan on beef ahead of WTO talks
The United States pressed Japan to resume imports of American beef as their trade chiefs met to take stock of the troubled WTO drive to liberalise global commerce, officials said.