Asia Pacific | Worries remain over BSE The cause of the initial infections ha...
Asia Pacific
Worries remain over BSE
The cause of the initial infections have yet to be determined, and stockbreeders are still worried about the future of their industry and angry about what they see as the failure of the government to properly handle the crisis.
Australian Beef Aug Exports At 80,170 MT, Down 2.3% Versus July
Beef exports from Australia fell 2.3% in August to 80,170 metric tons shipped weight from 82,037 tons in July, the government department Agriculture Fisheries Forestry Australia reported Monday.
NCBA Supports Senator's Concerns About Trade Deal with Australia
A letter sent this week by Montana Senator Max Baucus clearly illustrates how NCBA's long-term efforts in working with members of Congress can have a lasting effect. The letter was sent to Robert B. Zoellick, United States Trade Representative, addressing concerns with Australian trade negotiations. This is a prime example of congressional support for American farmers and ranchers, and demonstrates how our producers can effectively work together with legislators to protect the interests of the U.S. cattle industry.
IMF Chief Downplays Japan's Woes
TOKYO (AP) - The chief of the International Monetary Fund cautioned against panic over Japan's financial troubles Monday as the government readied a new economic revival package that could use public funds to prop up the stock market.
Concern over Pork Deal
Nippon Meat is accused of using pork to receive beef payments.
Trade Protest
China angry over trade barriers in Japan.
Exporters sell US corn to Mexico, soya to China
WASHINGTON, Sept 9 (Reuters) - Private exporters reported the sale of 120,000 tonnes of U.S. corn to Mexico and 112,000 tonnes of soybeans to China for delivery in the 2002/03 marketing year, the U.S. Agriculture Department said on Monday.
Pork Board debuts new Spanish slogan to replace 'Other White Meat'
The National Pork Board is launching an Hispanic marketing initiative to reach the rapidly growing population segment with the goal of increasing that group's consumption of pork, according to a news release.
Markets Re-open for South Africa
Middle East markets re-open for South African meat following foot and mouth disease ban.
ConAgra Delayed Beef Recall for 2 Days; Firm Waited for USDA to Recheck Tests
Rather than immediately recall meat tainted with E. coli, ConAgra Beef Co. sat silent for two days in June while federal inspectors double-checked tests showing the meat was contaminated, records released Thursday show.
Eric Scholsser on tainted beef
At the heart of the food safety debate is the issue of microbial testing. Consumer advocates argue that the federal government should be testing meat for dangerous pathogens and imposing tough penalties on companies that repeatedly fail those tests. The meatpacking industry, which has been battling new food safety measures for almost a century, strongly disagrees.
Hunter's Death Raises Disease Worries
A Montana fishing guide who hunted and occasionally ate wild game has died of the brain-wasting Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.
Critical eye on U.S. food sources - FDA hiring more inspectors to oversee domestic, imported goods
Building on what's been learned from tampering cases and E. coli outbreaks, processors, inspectors and growers are tightening the screws where they can, examining American fields and foreign produce and taking a closer look at grocery shelves and restaurant kitchens.
Activist farm group asks USDA's Veneman to step up pork purchases
In a move to shore up what was termed "America's basement-level pork producer prices," the National Farmers Organization sent a letter to USDA Secretary Ann Veneman requesting that the Agriculture Department consider a proposal to purchase pork through its government food programs.