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Asia Pacific | Positive Signs from Chinese MissionChinese market could open u...

Published: Aug 29, 2003

Asia Pacific


Positive Signs from Chinese Mission
Chinese market could open up for British pig meat following trade mission.


Japan Refuses to Move on Tariff Rise
Australian cattlemen vow to fight on over proposed rise in Japanese tariffs on beef imports.




BSE in Spain
Six new cases of BSE are reported by the Agriculture Ministry




Putin Plans 4-Nation Free Trade Zone
Combined Reports
Vladimir Putin and the leaders Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan signed a joint declaration Sunday to increase economic cooperation by creating a free trade zone.




USDA picks US pork expert to head nutrition programs
WASHINGTON, Feb 24 (Reuters) - U.S. Agriculture Secretary Ann Veneman on Monday appointed a National Pork Board animal expert to oversee and evaluate USDA's federal dietary guidelines and the national food guide pyramid.


2002 U.S. Pork Exports Smash Record For Consecutive Year

For the second straight year, worldwide US pork exports smashed the record set in the prior year. Following the record breaking year 2001, which saw a 20 percent increase in US pork exports, 2002 broke that record by 3 percent, says the US Meat Export Federation (USMEF).


Tyson Foods Named America's Most Admired Food Production Company 
Fortune magazine ranked Tyson Foods, Inc. as America's Most Admired Company in the food production industry.