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Asia Pacific | One mistake won't ban U.S. beef imports, Japan's foreign minis...

Published: Jun 27, 2006

Asia Pacific

One mistake won't ban U.S. beef imports, Japan's foreign minister says
Japanese foreign minister Taro Aso said his country won't halt all U.S. beef imports if a single shipment is found to contain banned cattle parts.

Japan begins inspection of U.S. beef plants
Ten officials from Japan's agriculture and health ministries have arrived in the United States and begun inspections of 35 U.S. meatpacking plants in Nebraska, Kansas, Texas and 13 other states, according to agriculture ministry official Hirofumi Kugita.

Australia sees challenges in Japan
The increased probability that Japan will once again begin importing U.S. beef raises the stakes for Australian beef exporters

71 percent in Japan against U.S. beef
About 60 percent of respondents to a joint Yomiuri Shimbun/NTT Resonant Inc. survey said they do not want to eat U.S. beef when imports resume.

Aussies worry as Japan eyes US beef
Japan is expected to resume importing beef from the US in late July, intensifying competition in the beef market again.


Trade talks at critical point
WTO negotiations on subsidies will reach a crucial stage in Geneva this week.

Meat excellence recognized in U.K.
SuperMeat presents awards for the best meat products sold in British supermarkets.

Strong start for Scotch beef exports
The relaunch of beef exports sees 400 metric tons shipped in slightly more than one month.


More cattle in U.S. feedlots
USDA reports four percent more cattle are in the beef-processing pipeline.

Pork industry says hog "diet" leads to leaner meat
The pork industry says hogs have been on a "diet" for more than a decade, and new government research shows that Americans are getting a much leaner product because of it.

Asia Pacific

One mistake won't ban U.S. beef imports, Japan's foreign minister says
Japanese foreign minister Taro Aso said his country won't halt all U.S. beef imports if a single shipment is found to contain banned cattle parts.

Japan begins inspection of U.S. beef plants
Ten officials from Japan's agriculture and health ministries have arrived in the United States and begun inspections of 35 U.S. meatpacking plants in Nebraska, Kansas, Texas and 13 other states, according to agriculture ministry official Hirofumi Kugita.

Australia sees challenges in Japan
The increased probability that Japan will once again begin importing U.S. beef raises the stakes for Australian beef exporters

71 percent in Japan against U.S. beef
About 60 percent of respondents to a joint Yomiuri Shimbun/NTT Resonant Inc. survey said they do not want to eat U.S. beef when imports resume.

Aussies worry as Japan eyes US beef
Japan is expected to resume importing beef from the US in late July, intensifying competition in the beef market again.


Trade talks at critical point
WTO negotiations on subsidies will reach a crucial stage in Geneva this week.

Meat excellence recognized in U.K.
SuperMeat presents awards for the best meat products sold in British supermarkets.

Strong start for Scotch beef exports
The relaunch of beef exports sees 400 metric tons shipped in slightly more than one month.


More cattle in U.S. feedlots
USDA reports four percent more cattle are in the beef-processing pipeline.

Pork industry says hog "diet" leads to leaner meat
The pork industry says hogs have been on a "diet" for more than a decade, and new government research shows that Americans are getting a much leaner product because of it.