Asia Pacific | News ShortsNews from Japan, USDA. Premium Standard Farms, Evan...
Published: Aug 29, 2003
Asia Pacific
News ShortsNews from Japan, USDA. Premium Standard Farms, Evanston Northwestern Healthcare Research Institute, Springhill Farms, the European Union’s Food Standards Agency, and McDonald’s.
Electronic Tags To Identify Canadian CattleThe Canadian Cattle Identification Agency (CCIA) is currently conducting trials on Electronic (Radio Frequency Identification) Tags. US To remain An important Customer for Canada's Grain
Despite rising trade tensions between Canada and the US, the two neighboring countries will remain important agricultural trading partners in the future, according to industry sources. UAE bans Iran livestock imports over animal fever
DUBAI, May 29 (Reuters) - The United Arab Emirates has banned the import of livestock from Iran, a main supplier of meat to the UAE, following an outbreak of a potentially deadly disease in the Islamic republic, officials said on Wednesday.
EU to Recognize Russia as Market Economy, Improving Trade Access to Europe
The European Union recognized Russia as a market economy, giving it better access to the 15-member bloc's markets as a reward for progress in eliminating the remnants of the communist system.
Smithfield bids for Farmland's meat business…but Farmland not for sale(to view this article you may register for free at
Smithfield, Va.-based Smithfield Foods Inc. expressed interest last week by letter to buy Farmland Industries Inc.'s beef and pork business, but the offer was quickly rejected, according to a Reuters report. Last Standing Steel Beam Removed From Ground Zero
NEW YORK (Reuters) - With bagpipes skirling, the last steel girder still standing at 'ground zero' was cut down Tuesday night, bringing a symbolic end to more than eight months of grueling recovery work at New York's World Trade Center site. The 36-foot, 58-ton girder -- column 1001 B of the southeast corner of the south World Trade Center tower -- was taken down as four workers bathed in floodlights and wielding torches applied the last cuts, sparking a crowd of 1,000 workers and uniformed officers to chant 'USA, USA, USA.' U.S. hog and cattle slaughter estimates - trade
CHICAGO, May 29 (Reuters) - Livestock analysts estimated Wednesday's U.S. hog slaughter at 370,000 to 380,000 head versus 365,000 a week ago and 365,000 a year ago. Reducing the Risk
New meat processing technology offers a double benefit for consumers