Asia Pacific | Japanese Beef RecalledBeef recalled because of mislabeling. | ...
Asia Pacific
Japanese Beef Recalled
Beef recalled because of mislabeling.
China Succeeds in Cloning Cow Using Frozen Stem Cells
A calf weighing 40 kilos was born in east China's Shandong Province Wednesday, cloned from frozen stem cells from a black-and-white dairy cow. The birth of the calf represented the first time that Chinese scientists have successfully employed frozen stem cells to clone a cow.
BSE Infectivity Found in Cow Tonsil
Food Standards Agency in the UK is to investigate whether tongue from cattle could be infected with BSE.
NAFTA provision will hurt Mexico: Economy secretary
Economy Secretary Luis Ernesto Derbez said this week that U.S. farm subsidies will harm Mexican farmers in 2003, when sector trade barriers are reduced.
Government Hopes Rules on Labeling Will End Confusion over Organic Foods
Starting Monday, the guessing game should be over. That's when the Organic Food Production Act and new organic standards on package labeling take effect. Foods sold as "organic," "100 percent organic" or "made with organic ingredients" will have to meet new regulations.
USDA Provides Update On Listeria Recall
WASHINGTON, DC. October 17, 2002 – Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman today provided the following update regarding the expanded voluntary recall of 27.4 million pounds of ready-to-eat meat products announced earlier this week due to the finding of Listeria monocytogenes on a product-contact-surface at a processing facility in Pennsylvania.
Pork Board plans Variety Meats workshop at Iowa State
Smaller packers and processors, including custom processors and those who serve pork niche marketers, have an opportunity to learn about exporting pork variety meats at a workshop sponsored by the National Pork Board.
Awards for Export Drives
USMEF will present two awards for leadership rewards at its annual meeting.