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Asia Pacific | Japan will lift ban on US beef if U.S. plants pass inspections...

Published: Jun 28, 2006

Asia Pacific

Japan will lift ban on US beef if U.S. plants pass inspections
|Japan's Councilor of Agriculture said Tuesday that his country's ban on U.S. beef could be lifted as early as the end of July, if planned Japanese inspections of U.S. beef plants go well.


Canada aims to beef up BSE prevention with broader feed restrictions
In an effort to prevent bovine spongiform encephalopathy and reopen export markets to Canadian beef, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency is banning specified risk materials from all animal feeds, pet foods and fertilizers — not just those destined for cattle.

Thailand set target to increase pork consumption
The President of the Swine Raisers Association, Mr. Surachai Sutthitham, has set the target to increase the consumption of swine in Thailand.


Pigmeat prices on the rise in Europe
Pigmeat prices in the biggest six EU producer countries have broken the 107p/kg barrier for the first time since March 2001.


Pork is healthier than ever
New research relays that not only are pork cuts leaner than they were in the past, pork tenderloin is just as lean as skinless chicken breast.

U.S. red meat output breaks monthly record
USDA reports that processors produced 4.05 billion pounds of beef, pork, and lamb in May.

More cattle in U.S. feedlots
USDA reports four percent more cattle are in the beef-processing pipeline.

U.S. beef will meet unreceptive consumers in Japan, survey shows
About 60 percent of respondents to a joint Yomiuri Shimbun/NTT Resonant Inc. survey said they do not want to eat U.S. beef when imports resume.

U.S. soybean farmers partner with Paraguayans to build demand
U.S. soybean grower-leaders recently met with Paraguayan farmers to discuss how they could work together to increase market potential and improve soybean farmer profitability.

Asia Pacific

Japan will lift ban on US beef if U.S. plants pass inspections
|Japan's Councilor of Agriculture said Tuesday that his country's ban on U.S. beef could be lifted as early as the end of July, if planned Japanese inspections of U.S. beef plants go well.


Canada aims to beef up BSE prevention with broader feed restrictions
In an effort to prevent bovine spongiform encephalopathy and reopen export markets to Canadian beef, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency is banning specified risk materials from all animal feeds, pet foods and fertilizers — not just those destined for cattle.

Thailand set target to increase pork consumption
The President of the Swine Raisers Association, Mr. Surachai Sutthitham, has set the target to increase the consumption of swine in Thailand.


Pigmeat prices on the rise in Europe
Pigmeat prices in the biggest six EU producer countries have broken the 107p/kg barrier for the first time since March 2001.


Pork is healthier than ever
New research relays that not only are pork cuts leaner than they were in the past, pork tenderloin is just as lean as skinless chicken breast.

U.S. red meat output breaks monthly record
USDA reports that processors produced 4.05 billion pounds of beef, pork, and lamb in May.

More cattle in U.S. feedlots
USDA reports four percent more cattle are in the beef-processing pipeline.

U.S. beef will meet unreceptive consumers in Japan, survey shows
About 60 percent of respondents to a joint Yomiuri Shimbun/NTT Resonant Inc. survey said they do not want to eat U.S. beef when imports resume.

U.S. soybean farmers partner with Paraguayans to build demand
U.S. soybean grower-leaders recently met with Paraguayan farmers to discuss how they could work together to increase market potential and improve soybean farmer profitability.