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Asia Pacific | Japan Grain-Brazil corn bought amid StarLink fearTOKYO, Feb 24...

Published: Aug 29, 2003

Asia Pacific


Japan Grain-Brazil corn bought amid StarLink fear
TOKYO, Feb 24 (Reuters) - Japanese have bought Brazilian corn in the first import deal with the South American country since the discovery of banned biotech corn in a U.S. shipment last year raised food safety concerns, traders said on Monday.


US beef producers hold on to cattle
The latest reports from the United States indicate the world's biggest beef producer is heading into a rebuilding phase, with producers holding on to cattle rather than sending them for slaughter.




Beef Ban on Paraguay
FMD control concerns cause EU to ban beef imports from Paraguay




UPDATE 2-US consumers brace for record high beef prices
WASHINGTON, Feb 21 (Reuters) - American consumers face record high prices this year for sirloin steaks and hamburgers due to tight supplies and higher feed costs, the U.S. Agriculture Department said on Friday.


Views Still Differ on WTO Ag Negotiations
Differing views on where things stand relative to the next round of world trade talks in agriculture under the WTO were offered up at USDA's Outlook Forum, underscoring the difficult task that lies ahead for an agreement to be reached.


Report: Rapid Changes in Pork Production Challenging Industry

USDA's Economic Research Service has released a new report on the pork industry, highlighting the challenges of a rapidly changing industry. The report, "Economic and Structural Relationships in U.S. Hog Production," states in 2002, nearly half of the US hog inventory was owned by operations with 50,000 head or more.


Appeals court to rule on 'government speech' plea in beef checkoff case
An appeal by the Livestock Marketing Association challenging the constitutionality of the beef checkoff has been scheduled for a hearing on March 10 before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit in St. Paul, Minn., according to an LMA news release.


USDA Begins Work On Disaster Aid Implementation
Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman announced that the USDA is establishing a disaster assistance working group to ensure timely and efficient implementation of program benefits contained in the $3.1 billion disaster assistance package passed by the Congress last week.