Asia Pacific | Japan courts U.S. support for antidumping reformAddressing a s...
Asia Pacific
Japan courts U.S. support for antidumping reform
Addressing a sensitive area of world trade talks, a Japanese official on Thursday said it was in the U.S. interest to support reform of international antidumping rules despite strong opposition from Congress.
Japanese Beef Imports Continue to Recover
Australian beef exports to Japan are heading the recovery in the beef market.
Japan tariff costs disputed
Claims that an increased tariff on beef to Japan will cost local beef producers $80-million have been disputed.
Sheep, beef farmers' business costs rise
The business costs of sheep and beef farmers jumped 3.7 per cent in the year to January.
South American Beef Lands in South Africa
Foot and mouth disease epidemics help to shape South Africa's beef imports.
Growing opposition may kill meat labeling plan
There is growing Canadian optimism that mandatory country-of-origin labeling scheduled to take effect in the United States Oct. 1, 2004, may not happen.
Economist: Short War Would Improve Ag Exports
Texas A&M extension economist Joe Pena says a short war with Iraq could stabilize world economies and trade, possibly triggering increased demand for U.S. agricultural exports.