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Asia Pacific | Farm Secretary Plugs American Beef Cooking beef and zucchini w...

Published: Aug 29, 2003

Asia Pacific

Farm Secretary Plugs American Beef
Cooking beef and zucchini with Japanese schoolchildren, U.S. Agriculture Secretary Ann Veneman tried Thursday to dispel fears about an outbreak of mad cow disease that has driven Japanese consumers away from beef. China's vice premier calls on meat processors to upgrade plants
China's Basket Project, which began in 1988, has reached its goal: ensuring the quantity of meat and vegetables in that nation's markets are in line with demand from that country's 1 billion-plus population. Snow Brand execs plead not guilty of label fraud
Prosecutors say the pair falsely claimed 196 million from a BSE relief program.


Latvia High BSE Risk
EU places Latvia on the high risk level for BSE.


US Ag Leaders To Discuss Country of Origin Labelling
The impact of the country-of-origin labelling provision contained within the U.S. Farm Bill will be the primary topic of a meeting organized by U.S. agriculture officials. The meeting has been scheduled for July 25 in Chicago. Agriculture: A Valuable Yet Vulnerable Industry
There are many sectors in the U.S. that are vulnerable to terrorism. Agriculture is getting more attention. USDA rubber stamps pork assessment decrease
Food-safety litigator Bill Marler, Seattle-based attorney and lobbyist for stronger regulations on food processing and handling, is demanding that legislators and government officials begin an immediate examination of the meat recall system, which he believes failed consumers who became ill after eating tainted beef from ConAgra Beef Co.'s Greeley, Colo., plant. Beef Book
New NCBA publication highlights the value and benefits of the beef checkoff programme. Anxious wait as US debates domestic subsidies
The Federal government is anxiously awaiting the outcome of trade talks in Geneva overnight.