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Asia Pacific | China opposition seen blocking US-Taiwan trade pactBush admini...

Published: Aug 29, 2003

Asia Pacific


China opposition seen blocking US-Taiwan trade pact
Bush administration concerns about offending China appear to be thwarting Taiwan's dreams of a free trade agreement with the United States, a Taiwanese official said on Friday.


Japan may not increase beef tariffs
The President of the US Meat Exporters Federation Phil Seng is quietly optimistic that Japan will not introduce the "snap back" tariff on imported beef.




Mexico farm accord will not bring instant trade change
A landmark farm rescue accord to be signed by the Mexican government and farmers on Monday will not bring about immediate change in trade rules, but includes plans to ask NAFTA trade partners to restrict corn and bean exports to Mexico, a top official told Reuters.


Brazil may consider U.S. trade talks on farm goods
Brazil would consider bilateral trade talks with Washington if it gained greater access to the U.S. market for farm goods, a top official said on Friday.


Argentina to Ask to Be Declared Foot-and-Mouth Disease-Free

Argentina will ask the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) in May to reinstate its status as a foot-and-mouth disease-free country, officials from Argentina's National Food and Agriculture Quality and Health Service (SENASA) told EFE on Thursday.




NAS: U.S. Food Safety Standards Should Have Specific Goals

According to a new report released today by the National Academies of Science (NAS), federal and state food safety criteria need to be clearly linked to specific public health goals and should be established using the latest scientific tools and methodologies.


PETA's prez begs for her own barbecue
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals President Ingrid Newkirk said she has drawn up a will directing that her flesh be barbecued and her skin used to make leather products in protest at what she says are man's ill-treatment of animals. Newkirk also suggested her feet be removed and made into umbrella stands similar to those made from elephant feet that she had seen as a child.


Red Meat Animals Worth Less
Gross income from red meat producing livestock in the USA fell drastically in 2002.