Asia Pacific | China Needs to Improve Market Access While U.S. beef trade wit...
Asia Pacific
China Needs to Improve Market Access
While U.S. beef trade with China has increased sharply since China joined the World Trade Organization, trade impediments still hamper the full development and potential of that market.
Taiwan's Unemployment Holds at 5% in August as Jobs Are Moved to China
Taiwan's unemployment rate held steady in August as graduates entered the labor market and manufacturers took advantage of an economic rebound to shift jobs to China, where costs are lower.
Drought hits Australia beef prices, exports-ABARE
SYDNEY, Sept 23 (Reuters) - Drought would keep Australian beef prices low well into 2003, the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics (ABARE) said on Monday.
JAPAN: Snow Brand to receive financial aid package
Dairy products manufacturer Snow Brand Milk has announced that it is set to receive a financial aid package from its lenders.
Asian Beef Promotion
Australian meat safety systems promoted in South Asia.
Mexico restricts farm imports from South Korea, U.S. -
Mexico's Agricultural Secretariat announced Saturday that it was limiting imports of food products from South Korea and increasing inspections of U.S. products to prevent the entry of diseases.
First U.S. livestock in 40 years flown to Cuba
HAVANA, Sept 21 (Reuters) - Two by two they came off the plane -- buffaloes, heifers, hogs and sheep from the U.S. Midwest.
Spinal cord in German beef
Spinal cord has been found in frozen beef imported from Germany into the UK, the eleventh case of SRM in imported beef from this country since the ban was imposed.
Better Future for Uruguay Beef
USDA projects increase in beef exports for Uruguay after containment of FMD outbreak.
Livestock Aid Package Reaction
Democratic and Republican farm-state lawmakers continue to press Congress to pass and President Bush to sign disaster assistance legislation into law, despite Thursday's announcement of $752 million in direct payments to eligible livestock
Beef-Packing Company Expands Recall
A Pennsylvania meat processor is expanding a recall on beef products that tested positive for E. coli bacteria, the Agriculture Department said Friday.
Group Urges U.S. Gov't to Curb Foodborne Illnesses
Each year in the United States, approximately 5,000 deaths and 76 million illnesses are caused by food poisoning, according to a report from the consumer advocacy group, Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI).
Monthly Record Highs for Beef and Red Meat Production
Commercial red meat production for the United States totaled 4.14 billion pounds in August, up 2 percent from the 4.06 billion pounds produced in August 2001.
Activists whining that USDA pork program is 'pushing meat on kids'
Plans by the Agriculture Department to buy up to $30 million worth of pork products for USDA's School Lunch Program and other government feeding programs is bad for children's health, according to a news release from anti-meat activist group Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine.
Farms fight food tracing
Farm groups are blocking efforts to develop a national system to trace food to its source because they fear lawsuits if consumers become sick.