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Asia Pacific | Cattle Council to fight planned beef tariffs Japan wants to i...

Published: Aug 29, 2003

Asia Pacific


Cattle Council to fight planned beef tariffs 
Japan wants to increase the tariff from 38 to 50 per cent.


UPDATE 1-INTERVIEW-U.S. trade official sees WTO seep into China

CHONGQING, China, Feb 19 (Reuters) - The average tourist walking through back alleys of Chongqing in poor western China might stumble across an open market and find piles of fat oranges amongst the rows of fruit.




NCGA/USGC Focus on Trade Issues at Mexico Meeting

Among the top issues discussed last week at meetings between the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) and the U.S. Grain Council (USGC) held in Guadalajara, Mexico, were the high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) situation with Mexico and trade with Cuba.




EU trade chief concerned over tougher U.S. stance
BRUSSELS, Feb 18 (Reuters) - Europe's trade chief said on Tuesday he was concerned that the United States was taking an increasingly hard line against international trade rules.


Clampdown on Illegal Meat
Welsh farmers urge swift action to halt unfit meat menace.


Irish beef is valued in Holland 
Export volumes of Irish beef to Holland this year are expected to reach 32,000 tonnes valued at over €100 million.




US in New Free Trade Bid
US puts forward proposals in FTAA negotiations to create the world's largest free market in 2005.


'Physicians' aligned with activists slam Atkins diet on Oprah show
The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, an anti-industry group closely aligned with animal-rights activists, is sponsoring television commercials critical of the high-protein Atkins Diet.