Asia Pacific | AUSTRALIA/WORLD: Report attacks world beef subsidies Australi...
Asia Pacific
AUSTRALIA/WORLD: Report attacks world beef subsidies
Australian cattle farmers would be A$300m (US$166.2m) a year better off if worldwide beef subsidies were scrapped, according to a report compiled as part of a joint Australia, US, Mexico, Canada and New Zealand project.
Japanese Beef Recalled
Beef recalled because of mislabeling.
United States Says New China Regulations Should Free Up Soybean Exports
WASHINGTON, Oct. 18, 2002 - China has officially published new measures that should provide a nine-month extension of interim provisions regulating biotech agriculture products, Secretary of Agriculture Ann M. Veneman and U.S. Trade Representative Robert B. Zoellick announced today, thereby allowing continued exports to China of up to $1 billion in U.S. soybeans.
UPDATE 1-Cairns officials slam EU, Japan on farm trade
SANTA CRUZ, Bolivia, Oct 19 (Reuters) - Top officials from some of the world's biggest farm-goods exporters criticized the European Union and Japan for not doing enough to promote agriculture trade at a meeting of the Cairns Group in Bolivia on Saturday.
UK: FSA finds BSE infectivity in cow tonsil
Preliminary results from research sponsored by the UK’s Food Standards Agency have, for the first time, found BSE infectivity in cow tonsil.
GERMANY/UK: Spinal cord found in imported German beef
Bovine spinal cord is classified as specified risk material (SRM) and is therefore among those parts of the animal most likely to contain BSE infectivity. Under European law, SRM must be removed immediately after slaughter, stained, and disposed of safely.
Britain sends first shipment of beef to France in six years
Britain has sent its first shipment of beef to France, now that the French have lifted their six-year ban on British beef imports over fears about mad cow disease
British Beef Back in France
Paris food show will be the stage to relaunch British beef in France.
New Organic Labeling Hits Selves
The Agriculture Department has taken notice, too: Labeling rules for farmers and companies that want to market their products as organic take effect Monday.
Beef Exporters Hurt By Production,Export Subsidies
Major beef exporters, including Australia, the U.S. and Brazil, suffer major losses from subsidies for producers in the European Union, Japan and South Korea, according to a study issued Sunday.
Meeting makes meat-packing history
The top four meat-packing companies and the Texas Cattle Feeders Association came together on one stage Saturday in Amarillo for the first time, taking the initial steps to address beef marketing problems as an industry.