Asia Pacific | Australian Min Issues Quota Plan For Beef Exports To US Austra...
Asia Pacific
Australian Min Issues Quota Plan For Beef Exports To US
Australian Agriculture Minister Warren Truss Friday announced the method that will be used to allocate to beef processors their tariff-free share of beef exports to the U.S. for 2003.
Japanese Food Industry Recognizes Biotech Safety
The U.S. Grains Council reports that the country's wet milling industry no longer makes the distinction between non-biotech corn and approved hybrids.
Aeon to stop prefectural identification for beef products
TOKYO, Oct. 11 Kyodo - Supermarket chain operator Aeon Co. said Friday it will temporarily stop prefectural identification for beef products and only distinguish if cows were raised abroad or domestically on beef product labels.
EU Puts Off Deal on Biotech Rules
Divided over items from corn oil to pet food, European Union governments have abandoned hopes of reaching agreement this month on stringent biotech rules despite fears of being hauled before the World Trade Organization by Washington.
Brazil goes to WTO against EU
Brazil is struggling against the protectionism performed by the EU (European Union) concerning poultry meat imports.
UK: FSA reports on pre-1995 BSE risk
The UK Food Standards Agency has published its report into the uses of mechanically recovered meat (MRM) from cattle between 1980 and 1995.
BSE Worse than Thought
Scientists say mad cow may have infected two million cattle.
Mexico U.S. wheat ban to continue pending report
MEXICO CITY, Oct 10 (Reuters) - The Mexican ban on U.S. wheat from Illinois will continue pending a USDA risk-evaluation assessment detailing the extent of fungus contamination and how it can be addressed, a Mexican official told Reuters late on Thursday.
Farm Fresh to offer irradiated beef
Hamburger doesn't normally cause much of a stir. Until someone gets ill from eating it -- or even dies.So Farm Fresh is making room in its meat cases for irradiated ground beef -- a specially treated product that's still hotly debated in some quarters
FDA tries to remove genetic label before it sticks
In an unusual move, the federal government has warned the state of Oregon that it could be interfering with national food producers if voters pass a ballot measure requiring all genetically modified foods sold in the state to be labeled.