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Asia Pacific | Australian Beef Exports Down 6% In FY01-02 Australian beef exp...

Published: Aug 29, 2003

Asia Pacific

Australian Beef Exports Down 6% In FY01-02
Australian beef exports fell 6% in the 2001-02 financial year ended June 30 , with volumes shipped to Japan down to their lowest levels since 1991-92, figures from Meat & Livestock Australia show. JAPAN: BSE under control, says agriculture minister 
A new system of farm controls has meant the end of the BSE crisis in Japan, agriculture minister Tsutomu Takebe told reporters last week. Beef and sheep meat sold under false labels
Australia - The Federal Government has confirmed more than 200 tonnes of meat sold internationally over the past 18

Europe and Middle East

BSE risk over chicken injected with beef
Vast quantities of frozen chicken adulterated with beef protein powder, which the authorities admit could present a risk of BSE, are being consumed in Britain, a Guardian investigation has revealed. UK enlists travellers in illegal meat import battle
LONDON, July 8 (Reuters) - "Don't bring back more than you bargained for" is the slogan for Britain's latest assault in the fight against illegal meat and plant imports and the risk they pose to human and animal health. Russian Market Offers Challenges
Ag officials cautiously optimistic that U.S. producers can sell grain to Russia, but obstacles remain. SAUDI ARABIA: Twenty-year-old ban on South African meat lifted 
Saudi Arabia's Ministry of Commerce said yesterday [Sunday] that it is lifting the current ban on imports of meat from South Africa.


McDonald's in South to try imported beef
According to news reports, McDonald's is testing beef from Australia and New Zealand in about 400 of its 13,000 U.S. restaurants, all in the Southeast.