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Asia Pacific | Australian Agricultural Company Not Alarmed Over U.S. Farm Bil...

Published: Aug 29, 2003

Asia Pacific

Australian Agricultural Company Not Alarmed Over U.S. Farm Bill

The United States Farm Bill signed off by US President George Bush this week to the alarm of many agricultural producers will not deter cattle kings the Australian Agricultural Company

Japan to Launch Inspection on Cows Born in 1996

Japan's Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries will carry out an intensive inspection in June on cows born in March and April 1996 for signs of mad cow disease, Kyodo News reported Friday.

Meat New Zealand Defends Imported Beef Standards

New Zealand's meat industry and livestock farmers came under attack recently when the Livestock Marketing Association (LMA) and the Ranchers-Cattlemen Action Legal Fund USA (R-CALF) criticized imported beef standards in a wave of unilateral statements released to the media. We can only assume that these domestic organizations, which seek to influence public and political opinion, are grossly uninformed.

13 cows raised with BSE infected cow shipped out of Hokkaido

At least 13 cows raised together with a cow infected with mad cow disease in Ombetsu, Hokkaido, have been shipped outside of the northernmost main island, a report conducted by the Hokkaido government showed Friday.

Singapore, Taiwan Economies Grew in First Quarter as Exports Rebounded

Taiwan and Singapore said their economies grew in the first quarter as exports improved, more evidence that Asia has emerged from its worst slump since the regional crisis of 1997 and 1998. 

Taiwan beats recession

Taiwan's economy is growing again after nine months of contraction, and Singapore's economy is shrinking less steeply.


Canadian Hog Expansion Means More U.S. Pork

A modest expansion of the U.S. hog herd has begun, but the bigger story may be north of the border.

Argentine meat exports continue to decline

Argentine meat exports continue to decline, compared to last year, with exports in the first four months of 2002 totaling 34,400 tons worth $61.9 million, industry officials said.

Carter Visit May Boost Growing Cuba Trade

Just across town from the diplomatic residence where former President Carter spent three emotional hours Thursday with Cuba's top dissidents, the container ship Express quietly docked in Havana harbor.

Europe / Russia / Middle-East

Britain's flying pigs bring home the bacon

LONDON, May 17 (Reuters) - Nine flying pigs who became overnight stars in Britain after featuring in a television advert have moved into luxury retirement quarters with a promise they will never end up as bacon.


Wegmans first to sell private-label, irradiated fresh ground beef

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In one of the biggest advances for meat irradiation since Huisken Meats introduced irradiated ground beef patties to the retail trade, Rochester, N.Y.-based Wegmans Food Markets became the first supermarket chain in the nation to introduce irradiated fresh ground beef under its own private-label brand -- Wegmans Brand Irradiated Fresh Ground Beef.

Enhanced, flavored fresh pork making marketplace inroads
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One result of continuing consumer demand for leaner cuts of meat during the 1990s has been the creation of larger, leaner hogs exhibiting more muscle than fat. But the lean pork from such hogs can be unforgiving for any consumer or chef who overcooks it.

NCBA Meets With CME

Officials from the two groups discuss enhancing futures as a risk management tool.

Texas' Downgrade for Cattle TB Status

Detection of tuberculosis in Texas cattle leads mass testing of cattle.