Asia Pacific | Australia – US FTA amended in WashingtonFirst to news that t...
Asia Pacific
Australia – US FTA amended in Washington
First to news that the free trade deal has hit a snag in Washington.
Live Australian cattle exported to Brazil
For the first time in history, Australia is exporting live stud cattle to Brazil.[
New on Ukrainian menus: chocolate-covered pork fat
The Kiev, Ukraine-based up-scale restaurant Tsarske Selo recently unveiled a new menu item: chocolate-covered pork fat, according to the New Zealand Herald.
Groups criticize U.S. government's BSE response
A coalition of several food and consumer groups gave the Bush administration an overall grade of "D" for its efforts to prevent bovine spongiform encephalopathy during the six months since a Washington state cow tested positive for the disease.
Court sides with hog farmers in case against Tyson
A jury awarded more than $900,000 this week to an Oklahoma family that raises hogs for Tyson Foods, The Oklahoman reported.
Mosquito-borne disease a threat to U.S. livestock
U.S. health officials fear another mosquito-borne disease could pose a threat to both humans and livestock, according to the Associated Press.
Free Trade Deals May Cut Deep for U.S. Cattle Industry
Cattle ranchers like Chuck Kiker long ago traded in their cowboy hats and horses for baseball caps and pickup trucks. But they still consider themselves traditional cowboys, and they don't want the government to trade away their way of life.
USDA Quadruples BSE Tests
The number of Minnesota cattle tested for BSE will quadruple this year under a surveillance agreement between the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Minnesota Board of Animal Health and University of Minnesota diagnostic labs, the health board said Monday.
Asia Pacific
Australia – US FTA amended in Washington
First to news that the free trade deal has hit a snag in Washington.
Live Australian cattle exported to Brazil
For the first time in history, Australia is exporting live stud cattle to Brazil.[
New on Ukrainian menus: chocolate-covered pork fat
The Kiev, Ukraine-based up-scale restaurant Tsarske Selo recently unveiled a new menu item: chocolate-covered pork fat, according to the New Zealand Herald.
Groups criticize U.S. government's BSE response
A coalition of several food and consumer groups gave the Bush administration an overall grade of "D" for its efforts to prevent bovine spongiform encephalopathy during the six months since a Washington state cow tested positive for the disease.
Court sides with hog farmers in case against Tyson
A jury awarded more than $900,000 this week to an Oklahoma family that raises hogs for Tyson Foods, The Oklahoman reported.
Mosquito-borne disease a threat to U.S. livestock
U.S. health officials fear another mosquito-borne disease could pose a threat to both humans and livestock, according to the Associated Press.
Free Trade Deals May Cut Deep for U.S. Cattle Industry
Cattle ranchers like Chuck Kiker long ago traded in their cowboy hats and horses for baseball caps and pickup trucks. But they still consider themselves traditional cowboys, and they don't want the government to trade away their way of life.
USDA Quadruples BSE Tests
The number of Minnesota cattle tested for BSE will quadruple this year under a surveillance agreement between the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Minnesota Board of Animal Health and University of Minnesota diagnostic labs, the health board said Monday.