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Asia Pacific | Australia beef sees minor gains in US trade pactSYDNEY, May 3 ...

Published: May 03, 2004

Asia Pacific

Australia beef sees minor gains in US trade pact
SYDNEY, May 3 (Reuters) - Australia's free trade agreement with the United States would benefit the Australian beef industry in its first operational year by only A$121 million ($87 million), Cattle Council of Australia (CCA) said on Monday.

Korea’s COOL Doubtful
The Asian nation may not be able to comply with its labeling plan by the deadline.


UPDATE 3-Bush says wants 'free trade' for Canadian beef
WASHINGTON, April 30 (Reuters) - President George W. Bush on Friday promised to open the U.S. border to live Canadian cattle "as soon as possible," but added that any easing of the ban related to mad cow disease would be based on "sound science."

Bush promises to fast-track full beef and cattle trade with Canada
After meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin at the White House on Friday, President Bush said the United States will reopen its border to live Canadian cattle "as soon as possible."

Illegal Beef Fine
Canadian meat company is fined for selling uninspected beef from out of the province.


Cattle Search
USDA wants to find and test an animal that was killed in Texas.

Gateway petitions USDA to allow it test all of its cattle for BSE
Gateway Beef Cooperative President Robbie Meyer said he has mailed U.S. Agriculture Secretary Ann Veneman a letter requesting permission to perform voluntary bovine spongiform encephalopathy testing of 100 percent of the cattle slaughtered at Gateway's facility.

Asia Pacific

Australia beef sees minor gains in US trade pact
SYDNEY, May 3 (Reuters) - Australia's free trade agreement with the United States would benefit the Australian beef industry in its first operational year by only A$121 million ($87 million), Cattle Council of Australia (CCA) said on Monday.

Korea’s COOL Doubtful
The Asian nation may not be able to comply with its labeling plan by the deadline.


UPDATE 3-Bush says wants 'free trade' for Canadian beef
WASHINGTON, April 30 (Reuters) - President George W. Bush on Friday promised to open the U.S. border to live Canadian cattle "as soon as possible," but added that any easing of the ban related to mad cow disease would be based on "sound science."

Bush promises to fast-track full beef and cattle trade with Canada
After meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin at the White House on Friday, President Bush said the United States will reopen its border to live Canadian cattle "as soon as possible."

Illegal Beef Fine
Canadian meat company is fined for selling uninspected beef from out of the province.


Cattle Search
USDA wants to find and test an animal that was killed in Texas.

Gateway petitions USDA to allow it test all of its cattle for BSE
Gateway Beef Cooperative President Robbie Meyer said he has mailed U.S. Agriculture Secretary Ann Veneman a letter requesting permission to perform voluntary bovine spongiform encephalopathy testing of 100 percent of the cattle slaughtered at Gateway's facility.