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AgDay's Pork Week Coverage Highlights Importance of Exports

Published: Jun 10, 2022

AgDay's Pork Week coverage included an update on U.S. pork exports and the outlook for the second half of 2022. The segment included interviews with USMEF Executive Committee member David Newman, a Missouri pork producer, and Erin Borror, USMEF vice president of economic analysis. They discussed some of the factors impacting pork demand in China and the importance of market diversification for U.S. exports.

View the segment online.

Earlier in the week, AgDay highlighted the importance of exports to the profitability and viability of the U.S. pork industry. Interviews with USMEF President and CEO Dan Halstrom, USMEF Chair-Elect Dean Meyer and National Pork Producers Council President Terry Wolters also focused on some of the challenges exports face in 2022, including port congestion and retaliatory tariffs imposed by China.

This segment is also available online.