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Tight U.S. Beef Supplies Result in Expanded Opportunities for Underutilized Cuts

Published: Apr 22, 2024

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While lower U.S. beef production and tight beef supplies represent a challenge for U.S. exporters, USMEF President and CEO Dan Halstrom says the upside of this situation is that more opportunities are emerging in international markets for underutilized beef cuts and beef variety meats. 

Halstrom notes that with support from USDA and the Beef Checkoff Program, USMEF is aggressively promoting cuts from the round primal and shoulder clod. When combined with promotion of beef variety meats in a wide range of markets, this helps maximize the value of every animal. He adds that the “silver lining” of this situation is that global demand for these items is likely to endure even after U.S. production rebounds in the future.